martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

I know a place where no cars go

The arcade fire was right, my body is a cage and my mind holds the key. But the only problem is that I can´t find that key. I have a bomb ready to explode. I don´t know how, or where will it be. My head is twisted in dark thoughts, in dark nights that don´t seem to dissapear. But I have a vision, of how things should be... how they should be...

Dreaming is what I do, for things I can have, for things I can´t have. Either way, dreaming is what I do. It makes me sad and it makes me happy, and right in the middle I stand... the middle between night and day, on a permanent sunset, on a permanent fear, on a permanent questioning...

I need a place to go, I need a place to land... I need a place where I can rest from all the rain, where I can peacefully sleep, without wondering if things will be the same when I wake up, I need to find a place that makes me feel safe, no matter if it breaks apart, away from my dreams and my thoughts, a place I can touch, a place that can touch me back, that makes me feel what I need to feel without explanations...

and he is right when he says: "set my body free"...

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”